Game Discussion: Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox One)

Putting together a small group for playing

  • GodthulhuGodthulhu123,396
    Posted on 29 August 23 at 14:22
    Hey guys,

    So, me and a buddy have been playing this pretty steadily. We're not overly far into the game yet, but for those who know the game, we're at the Humane Labs end Heist at the moment, and have been doing events and building up business' for the later Heist stuff.

    Getting to the point, we're tired of dealing with rando's either being garbage, or intentionally stopping us/messing with us, or waiting forever for randoms to join the Heists and missions.

    We're looking for people who are interested in playing/helping/chilling in events, but mostly to do the Heists, and eventually doing the Doomsday stuff once we're there.

    Me and him are both EST time, we usually are on later in the evening and on weekends. He works in Emergency Services so there's the odd time his schedual gets a little chaotic, but if we can get like 2-8 people that wanna focus on this regularly, and work together, I think it'd be a good way to progress quicker. We still like dicking around in game from time to time, so we're not expecting everyone to speed rush to the end and give up all their time to it, but if you're active enough, want to finish the Heists, or just need to make some dough on the game, or even if you're done and feel like helping some people working on stuff, let us know!

    Thanks guys.
    Chaotically Adorable
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