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Our top 3 things we want to see from the Indiana Jones Xbox game

  • planchetflawplanchetflaw960,014
    Posted today at 09:45
    I'd be happy with a port of Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures. I loved that game.
  • zDrUnKeNMoNkEyzzDrUnKeNMoNkEyz2,202,707
    Posted today at 09:51
    Anecronomicon said:
    zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz said:
    Oddly worried about this one, can’t imagine they’d get Harrison, or they’d do third person. I would love all those things, but think it may turn out to be an entirely different kinda game than most thought. Hopefully I’m completely wrong.laugh
    I'm also 'worried' because the main issue IMO is budget.

    Indiana Jones if done right requires motion capture, set pieces, a massive amount of animation work; horse segments, vehicle segments etc. i.e. basically comparable to Last of Us Part II in terms of scope & polish, which for Indy means a semi-linear third person action adventure with puzzles, fight sequences & bombastic set pieces. Loads of well crafted support characters as well & detailed NPC's. Plus a good script & plot to go with it. There's a reason the recent movie was so expensive, i.e. that's what the IP requires. Whether successful or not, it can't be done cheap.

    What I 'fear' is we'll get something like Wolfenstein spliced with The Forgotten City. Some sort of derivative first person platformer with some puzzles, climbing & a whip as the primary weapon (& also used to solve environmental puzzles as well). There will be no Harrison Ford, no detailed third person character or animations, no AAA locations or action sequences.

    It'll be budgeted for Gamepass, basically, i.e. not as a tentpole blockbuster carrying the brand. And that's a shame because that's exactly what Xbox needs to shift boxes off shelves this year. Aka its own Uncharted 2 moment.

    I'll be happy if I'm proven very wrong here but Xbox has given me zero reason to expect anything better in recent years.
    Completely agree, literally on every point.laughtoast
  • Posted today at 09:53
    Indiana Jones games have been amazing in the past, but they have also been meh also..if they bring the action and chaos of the Wolfenstein reboots to Indy then it could be magic. Definitely younger Indy or perhaps even Indy at different ages. It's got to have insane driving sequences, ott set pieces, tons of melee combat, Batman style whip grappling sections, head scratching puzzels and an army of Nazis to take out!!!
  • hammerpunchhammerpunch760,787
    Posted today at 10:09
    Third person camera, great in depth story with high end cutscenes, platforming as Tomb Raider/Uncharted, combat like Arkham/Mad Max, graphics like RDR2 would make me the most happy. Sections with grapple with the whip like Jedi Survivor/Arkham, big different maps with fast travel enabled, not too many collectibles etc.
    3 can keep a secret. If 2 are dead
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