Game Discussion: Assassin's Creed Valhalla

My experience with Valhalla.

  • Rigpig1919Rigpig1919404,077
    Posted on 03 May 23 at 14:49
    This is mainly for people coming to the game late like I did.

    I was getting a bit tired of the main story arc mainly because it was getting repetitive and seemed like padding but once it was over and I was left to do my own thing then I really started to enjoy the game again. I even bought all the DLC and enjoyed it immensely (siege of Paris is just OK)

    The Ragnarok expansion is pretty good but the Forgotten Saga really rocks with a great sense of achievement when you complete it.

    You might read that many people had multiple problems with achievements unlocking, these are all pretty much patched now and I didn’t experience a single problem, I played on mostly Series X with a bit of play on a series S

    Really great game with the slight caveat that the base story drags out a bit. 4.5 stars for me.
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