Alan Wake 2 Review by Alias DJA

Alias DJAAlias DJA245,008
12 Nov 2023 02 Jan 2024
2 2 3
Alan Wake is a memory for me of times where these little gems of 360 titles from days gone, hold something pure outside of the current times of micro transactions, and pay to win game mechanics.

With Alan Wake 2 - though there was a deluxe edition available, it’s core was 2 future DLCs along with a 3/4 length red rain coat for Saga ( FBI Agent ), and a John Wick style suit for Alan. Both also get embroidered guns as a weapon skins = £64.99 all in.

So as I loaded in - I asked myself. Is it nostalgia chasing? I’d did both the original and American Nightmare back on 360, I wanted it to be good.

And overall, yeah - it’s a very good game. 30 hours had me at 100% complete but requires some backtracking after making story progress, and much like the book, your expected to do a few loops.

With the introduction of Saga as a playable character it allows for 2 different story lines to weave into one along side when you play as Alan. Both have their own set of achievements linked to them, so the key is to plan ahead. For those planning to mop up and backtrack what you missed - the point of no return is when you get access to the sheriff station, you will be notified at this point.

A welcomed improvement from the original titles, is the stamina bar is gone - with the dodge mechanic still in. Inventory is a simple to use tile system, with shoebox for additional storage at save points.

The ability to change the level on the fly in order to process as well as play out the story is very well done, and level design is spot on. Never felt any environment I was in was out of place. And it’s dark, real real dark so brightness slider may be needed - sometimes for your own sanity.

I also really liked the transitions between in game video to actual fully acted scenes. It’s not flawless, but it’s decent enough to keep the immersion.

The known audio issues at launch have been sorted, and again - tone, pitch, and style worked really well.
Pace was nice as well - not ever a run and gun, there was always a destination to get to and are encouraged to explore, and loot as much as you can along the way.

Few side notes -

1 x Words of Power is needed for the achievement
the 27 in total are not needed

1 x Weapon must be upgraded to max for 2 achievements - which will require 60-70 manuscript collectibles, not every one.

When you get a rhyme puzzle to solve - don’t forget to pick up your puzzle pieces.
The Bort TheA 4.5/5 is a “decent game”?
Posted by The Bort The on 13 Dec 23 at 12:11
TOM 2006Lol I'm with The Bort The (love the reference btw), 4.5/5 should be more likely described as "one of the best games of the year" Decent is the multiplayer component of MWIII. Better to give praise where it's due instead of holding back for fear of being seen as too easily impressed. It's genuinely a great follow-up.
Posted by TOM 2006 on 20 Dec 23 at 03:10
Alias DJAIt’s decent for what it’s trying to be. I suppose very good could also be respectful to what Remedy achieved with not only bringing a new style, but still very very respectful of their creation.

Amended all the same
Posted by Alias DJA on 02 Jan at 21:30
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