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Video game movies a medium. Yay or nay? Here's my picks.
With the Zelda movie in the works, I thought it would be fun to rank my favorite films based on video games, in order, first to last. I rank these based on two factors: just being a good movie, and holding true to the original game. Sometimes they are one and the same. Other times they are completely different (Mario Brothers rulz!)

Here we go:

Silent Hill (2006) - So faithful to the source. + Alice Krige and Sean Bean. That's a winning duo. Best VG movie ever made in my mind, to the best game franchise ever, bar none.

Mortal Kombat (1995) - I remember seeing this in theaters, barely. I was six or seven at the time. Fun as heck. And it feels like the game series. Rewatching it now, it gives me the tingles.

Super Mario Bros. (1993) - Saw it in theaters as a tiny child. Blew my tiny child mind. This movie gets a lot of flak, and I don't understand why. It's a good film, and it opened up my mind as to the possibilities of making games more realistic in real life settings (a dream that would not be realized for me until the 2010's.) And am I wrong, or does Dennis Hopper in that movie look like 45? Anyone?

Resident Evil (2002) - Did not have to fall in line with canon (and Resident Evil is one franchise whose canon I follow religiously). Also: Milla Jovovich is pretty. Unfortunately, the sequels aren't great.

Street Fighter (1994) - Also saw this in theaters as a wee lad. I recall my stepdad taking me to see it way back in Houston. Memories. Van Damme is the man. And RIP Raul Julia. Your time came too soon.

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu (2019) - I was surprised as anyone that this movie didn't suck. Indeed, it kicked ass. It actually captured the feel of being a trainer in the 6th grade (which is how old I was when I first played the pkms first.) It's a movie I didn't expect to be good but was ultimately impressed by.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) - It was a FUN movie, damnit. They cast the perfect actress for the look and attitude of Croft and the movie feels like an episode in the gaming series. It's not Oscar-worthy, but it's an enjoyable movie. I highly recommend it as a popcorn flick.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) - It's for kids. But it's also FOR KIDS. None of the Disney woke crap; just pure entertainment. And filled with nerdy references. I love it and would have no problem showing to a six year-old today. Now it's time for the Nintendo brand to move into the cinema-verse.

Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) - If it restarts Jim Carrey's career (aside from making crappy finger paintings) then I'm all for it. Seriously; after the graphical reworking, it's a pretty fun movie. SEGA does what Ninten-don't...except when it comes to making fun movies. Which they both do in spades.

Thoughts and opinions below. What are your favorite movies based on video games?
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