Broforce Reviews

  • TheBlackDeeshTheBlackDeesh507,180
    13 Nov 2023
    1 2 0

    -Broforce is a 2-D side-scroll Run-’n’-gun game.
    -You play as a variety of nostalgic 80’s & 90’s action heroes, including but not limited to Rambo, Mr. T, Chuck Norris, MacGyver, John McClane, Blade, Agent J, Terminator, Robocop, Indiana Jones, Neo, James Bond, and Braveheart, just to name a few. Their names are changed for licensing purposes, I’m sure, but we all know who is being portrayed here lol.
    -The game is in a typical arcade format, with stages, lives, and bosses at the end of levels. You gain lives by freeing imprisoned “bros,” and abilities/characters change as you gain/lose lives.
    -This game is way over the top. For instance, every level ends with you finding and killing the devil.


    -The levels are engaging, and this game is a lot of fun.
    -I thought this was a perfect tribute to old arcade games, as well as 80s and 90s action movies in general. The combination of the two tickled my nostalgia in the best way.
    -As an achievement hunter, I value shortcuts and take advantage of them whenever possible. This game on PC allows for skipping of every level, allowing for a breezy playthrough for the hardest achievements (getting through the game on hard and “IronBro” difficulty.) Most of the miscellaneous achievements can be knocked out in level editor mode as well. In other words, this game is a very efficient 975 GS.


    -The 25 GS “No Ticket” achievement is bugged on PC, so to complete this one, you’ll either have to grind the entire game out on Xbox or do everything on PC but this achievement, which is what I did. After that, it’s just a matter of getting to the last stage on Level 8 (you can skip Level 7 altogether, as they unlock at the same time) and throwing an enemy of the sky fortress. The tricky part is getting Indiana Bromes, though. I found the easiest way to do this, (rather than die a hundred times, just to get one attempt) is to disable the cannons on the sky fortress with whoever you spawn as, then rescue all 6 bros, hoping for Indy, and if you still don’t get him, dying 5 times. Rinse and repeat. It only took 2 cycles of this for me to get the achievement.
    -Maybe this is political of me, but the overall message of the game was a bit narrow-sighted for me. Too many “bald eagles per football field”, if you know what I’m saying.


    -Storyline is narrowminded
    -Gameplay is excellent
    -Mechanics are great
    -Graphics are pixely, like they should be
    -It isn’t very difficult

    Is it worth it?

    -Is the game worth the price? Actually, yeah. I’d pay $15 for this, on fun alone.
    -Is the game on game pass? Yes.
    -Is the grind worth the gamerscore? Yes, especially on PC. 975 GS in an hour-ish is just about as good as it gets.
    -Easy completion? Aside from 1 achievement, absolutely.
    -Would I play this game if it had no achievements? Yes.

    TBD Score: 7.64
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