While the Iron's Hot Reviews

  • FullyInvasiveFullyInvasive234,725
    11 Jan 2024
    0 0 0 New
    While the Iron's Hot is a game that is enjoyable until you are done with the game's story and your entire existence is this drawn out grind that involves way too much inventory management and this tedious system where instead of enjoying the game's mechanics, you are actively trying to find as many ways as possible to avoid doing the game's mechanics.
    The game even understands this by adding in various automation systems, but even with those systems, you will feel like Clark Griswald on a quest for fun that isn't going to be there.
    Why do these mechanics exist? Because the achievements they did make it so you "need" to use them. And yes, this includes you doing that material cycle with the forge and anvil. Or you simply buy the materials so you can make stuff to sell solely to buy more material.
    None of this means that the game is bad. I would recommend this game if you want a nice little game to play. I would just say that don't play this game for the achievements. Not because they aren't doable, but that by the time you are at that specific grind, you will probably be at a point of wanting to never craft anything ever again.
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