Heads Up! Phones Down Edition Reviews

  • uberJamesuberJames535,951
    29 Dec 2023 29 Dec 2023
    0 1 0
    Are you confused by the extremely low scores/reviews? Are you concerned about the game being an absolutely broken, buggy mess? Well don't worry, the game plays and runs great!

    The negative reviews come from the steep price tag of $40, compared to the game being "free" on phones. But remember, there are only a few decks included for free in the phone version, the rest you have to buy, which cost at least $1.99 each. On the other hand, the console version comes bundled with 90 decks, breaking down to just $0.44 each. As you can see, you're getting significantly more value with the console version. Just wait for a sale if you must, it was recently $30 and the sales will eventually get deeper than that. If it hits $20, this is a no-brainer.

    There is currently no DLC available for this, and not all the decks in the phone version are available in the console version. So if you're a big fan of the phone version, your favorites might not be available on the console version. But if you never really got into the phone version, you can't beat the value of the console version.
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