Poll: Do you make an effort to earn Microsoft Rewards points?

By Tom West,

We've seen a lot of discussion surrounding Microsoft Rewards lately, due to various reasons, and for this week's TA poll, we want to know: Do you make an effort to earn Microsoft Rewards points?

Completing Microsoft Rewards tasks can earn you points which you can then use to purchase Xbox gift cards, enter sweepstakes, and donate to charity. Points are earned by playing Xbox Game Pass games via Quests or by buying games and movies from the Xbox Store, while others can be accumulated when searching the web using the Edge or Bing browsers on PC and mobile. For those that put in a little bit of work, though, consistently completing daily tasks, earning achievements in Game Pass titles, and keeping Rewards streaks going can result in a fair quantity of points.

Over the last month or so, Microsoft Rewards has regularly found itself on our front page, whether it's the daily achievement task moving over to Game Pass Quests, or issues with certain punch cards, it's got us wondering how many of you out there are actively collecting these points. For this week's poll, we want to know: Do you make an effort to earn Microsoft Rewards points?

poll xbox Microsoft rewards
Do you make an effort to earn Microsoft Rewards points?
  • Yes
  • No
We've had 6047 responses.
Tom West
Written by Tom West
Tom has been playing video games since he was old enough to hold a controller, experimenting with a number of systems until he eventually fell in love with Xbox. With a passion for the platform, he decided to make a career out of it, and now happily spends his days writing about that which he loves. If he’s not hunting for Xbox achievements, you’ll likely find him somewhere in The Elder Scrolls Online or fighting for survival in Battlefield.
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