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Overdesign II achievement in AC Valhalla

Overdesign II

While on fire during a fight, kill 3 hard difficulty soldiers without breaking their shields

Overdesign II+1.3
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How to unlock the Overdesign II achievement

  • ReddersTVReddersTV
    26 Nov 2020 26 Nov 2020 19 May 2021
    I have a much easier method for this Achievement.

    You'll want to unlock the skill called "Missile Reversal". You'll find it down in the Raven Tree (Assassination Tree / Yellow Tree).

    You'll want to make sure that you're low enough level so that the enemies in the area have a red skull. You'll want to head to the area Werham in South West Hamtunscire and proceed to the northern entrance as shown in Powerpyx's guide. This area is great as there's a lot of Standard Bearers there. Hamtunscire is a Level 340 area, so make sure you're no higher than Power Level 300. If your power level is higher than 300, don't worry. You can simply respec.

    Next, all you need to do is aggravate the Standard Bearers, then go to a nearby thatched roof and set it on fire. Stand on the thatched roof and the Standard Bearers will start throwing spears at you. Simply press the LB when the Spear is about to hit you and Eivor will grab it and throw it back, doing a considerable amount of damage whilst being on fire from the thatched roof.

    It really is that simple.

    *EDIT 06/12/2020*

    Credit to @Danny Bizz & @Kleptojack

    Some people have had success doing this achievement as 3 separate fights (Kill one, go hide, kill another etc.) instead of killing 3 of them in one go. Other people have had to kill more than 3 (anywhere up to 10 or so). This Achievement is definitely temperamental so keep persevering.

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    BILLION PLNo work the achievement problem unlocked
    Posted by BILLION PL on 18 Oct 23 at 15:49
    dakisbacWorked perfectly. Took less than a minute.

    What I did:
    * Since I am maxed out (power level 537) I turned up the Level Scaling setting to Nightmarish
    * fast travelled to the highpoint in Werham
    * ran to the entrance where the two soldiers are posted
    * climbed up the nearby house and set the roof on fire
    * shot an arrow at the soldiers to get them to attack
    * missile reversal success
    Posted by dakisbac on 05 Nov 23 at 18:08
    Herekongató^The solution by dakisbac for high level players works great!
    Posted by Herekongató on 14 Jan at 17:31
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  • Apostle92627Apostle92627
    27 Nov 2020 14 Nov 2020 24 Mar 2021
    UPDATE: There's a glitch where if you play Orlog and wait until after the coin flip, you can fast travel and the enemies won't see you. You can then go to Werham and get the achievement. I know this works because I personally tested it. Try killing a guard close to the fire to make it more likely you kill him before you burn out.

    Video that shows this and the assassinate 10 enemies one working:

    (NOTE 1: I take no credit for this video.)

    NEW UPDATE: Neo Yggdrasill says:

    Apparently this wasn't patched in December but it was patched with the 1.1.2 update in February. If you haven't played the game since before the update and therefore haven't updated it you can still go offline first and play on the older patch. I'll try to do this later, I'm still on 1.0.4, I've spent hours on this already back in November and even with this glitch I wasn't able to do it. Hopefully it works this time.

    NOTE 2: I'll leave the legit way up in case you want to get it legitimately.

    I found this video:

    Credit: Powerpyx

    NOTE 3: You actually need to see the fire debuff above your health bar in order for the kill to count.

    According to Powerpyx, you need to be at least 40 levels below. You can drop their health really low, then set yourself on fire. Kill three in one battle while you're on fire to get the achievement. You don't need to worry about the fire going out; as long as you're on fire when you land the killing blow, you should be fine.
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    Apostle92627I've updated my solution giving Neo Yggdrasill credit.
    Posted by Apostle92627 on 24 Mar 21 at 14:59
    Neo YggdrasillWell, turns out you can't just get achievements offline like that, I didn't know that was a thing on the Xbox one. The achievement can still pop later if you go online and start the game but that requires updating obviously. It didn't pop for me when I updated but I just got it legitimately immediately afterwards and I only had to kill 3 guards. Might be a coincidence but maybe they fixed something? No clue.
    Posted by Neo Yggdrasill on 24 Mar 21 at 19:13
    Apostle92627Glad you were able to get it legit!
    Posted by Apostle92627 on 24 Mar 21 at 19:41
  • Fristi61Fristi61
    25 Nov 2020 26 Nov 2020 01 Dec 2020
    A bit of an easier solution than the existing video guide, which makes things more difficult than it needs to be.

    Let's get a few things straight first:
    -You do NOT need to kill the 3 soldiers in a single fight. In fact, I got it across multiple days, with my game and xbox being entirely shut off in between.
    -Any shield-bearing enemy will do, so long as you don't break the shield prior to killing them. Shielded ceorls that put their shields on their back to switch to a two-handed weapon they picked up from the ground will still count, so they are your easiest targets due to their vulnerability to ranged attacks.
    -Your in-game difficulty setting doesn't matter, you can get this achievement on easy (skald). The only thing that matters is that your power level is low enough that the enemy in question is displayed with the red skull next to their health bar. You can always lower your power level by unassigning your skill points.
    -The most difficult thing is simply being on fire while dealing the finishing blow, since the fire effect disappears quickly. The best thing is to just stand on a perpetually burning area so you will constantly be reignited.
    Setting a thatch rooftop on fire and climbing on top of it to kill enemies with your bow is probably the best way, since the rooftop burns for a really long time and gives you some room to move around.

    In summary, the method is as follows:
    -Go to a region of which the recommended power level is sufficiently high compared to your own power level that it displays with a red skull on the map. Lower your current power level by unassigning skill points if necessary.
    -Find a village with thatch rooftops and shielded enemies. (The location in southern Hamtunscire used in Powerpyx's guide works, but there should be many villages in high level areas that work just as well)
    -Do yourself a favor and (temporarily) switch the difficulty to easy, because you will likely take a bunch of damage whilst derping around to set yourself on fire.
    -Weaken the shielded enemies first without killing them or breaking their shields. This can be done using abilities or by dodging around them and attacking from behind.
    -Climb on top of a thatch roof, drop a torch on it to set it on fire, wait until you catch fire yourself and try to finish off the enemies with your bow. It is annoying to kill a shielded enemy at range while on fire, and some of your kills might get stolen by the fire damage over time your arrows will also inflict.
    -Restock on arrows and rations, then rinse and repeat in the next village until the achievement pops.

    NOTE: The achievement can still be glitchy/fussy even when done seemingly correctly and it may take more than 3 kills to get your achievement.
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    thEhiRtEIn addition to above mentioned, a good place to this: harbor Glowecestrescire (220) right next to the longhouse is a circle of roman columns. Here i found four shield bearer plus some adds.
    I was at lvl 160 when i did the achievement here. However i noted that i needed to do three of them in a single fight and more importantly it only counted when i was fully covered in flames. Camp fires or those fire bowles u might find there everywhere didnt work for me. Therefore i have burned down the roof of the hut right next to it and finally it worked and achievement popped.
    Hope that helps anybody.
    Posted by thEhiRtE on 30 Nov 20 at 10:08
    Fristi61@thEhirtE Thanks. All I know is that for me, on the Xbox One version, I launched the game to pick up trying for the achievement where I left off the day before, and I only killed 2 people since launching the game before the achievement popped.
    So I don't think it has to be 3 in a row (it also doesn't indicate that in the achievement description at all, and other people have reported getting it without doing it in a single fight as well).
    I think more likely it's just extremely finicky/buggy with when it counts an enemy as being a successful kill and it will often just not register, making it seem like there's a hidden extra requirement of some kind when it is probably just kind of random.
    Posted by Fristi61 on 01 Dec 20 at 09:58
    Crescent EagleIs anyone seemingly currently unable to unlock this achievement? I definitely did this correctly, on fire the whole time, against 3 shielded standard-bearers, never broke their shields. Try 4 separate times and it still won't unlock.
    Posted by Crescent Eagle on 03 Dec 20 at 06:30
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