Check out your personal Xbox stats for 2022 with #MyYearOnXbox

By Rich Stone,

Want to know how much Xbox gaming you did this year? With #MyYearOnXbox, you can see just that!

Last week, PlayStation launched its 2022 Wrap-Up, and there was a fair amount of disappointment across the Xbox community that Microsoft hadn't done something similar for their own loyal fans.

Well, fear not, because the TrueAchievements dev team has been hard at work since then to create #MyYearOnXbox — our own personalised infographic for your Xbox stats for 2022.

ManicMetalhead's MyYearOnXboxManicMetalhead's MyYearOnXbox

How can I create my own MyYearOnXbox infographic?

To create your own personal MyYearOnXbox infographic, you just need to go to this page and log in if you aren't already:

Your Xbox stats for 2022Click here to see your own #MyYearOnXbox

From here, you can save the image or share it straight to Twitter, Reddit, or your TA feed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a MyYearOnXbox infographic if I don't have a TrueAchievements account?

You will need a TrueAchievements account to create the infographic, and you can create one directly from the #MyYearOnXbox page (you can also safely and securely log in with one click via the Xbox sign-in button) — we'll send you a message on site as soon as your profile has scanned and your infographic is ready to be generated.

What if I play some more this year?

No problem, there's a "Rebuild" button at the bottom of the page that you can press to update your graphic.

Why are there so few stats on this infographic?

We've produced some pretty complicated infographics before, but we have only had a couple of days to create this one, and we thought it might be nice to get something up for you to play around with before the holidays start. And sometimes it's cool to do something simple and clean.

Why is my top game for 2022 not my most played game this year?

In order for us to work out how long you've played each game in 2022, we need to know how long you'd played them before January 1st, so if you only registered on TrueAchievements this year, we've had to use your most played game that you started this year, as we know that game's playtime will be accurate. The good news is, if and when we do one of these for 2023, your stats will be 100% spot on for that one.

We also excluded anything started before 1st Jan 2021 for more long-term members, as the data for those games is not particularly reliable.

That's probably the last site update we'll be doing this year, so I want to wish you all a very Happy Holidays from everyone here at TrueGaming Network, and here's to an awesome 2023!
Rich Stone
Written by Rich Stone
Yo! Rich here - I was the one that created TrueAchievements back in 2008 as I felt the Xbox Gamerscore system could be improved. The site has evolved massively since then and it's now the biggest and best Xbox community on the planet! Racing games and open world shooters are my thing, but I'll give most genres a go. Except RPGs - those things are evil.
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