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Jeep Let Loose achievement in Hell Let Loose

Jeep Let Loose

Destroyed a total of 50 Jeeps

Jeep Let Loose+35.2
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How to unlock the Jeep Let Loose achievement

  • eaz3eeaz3e
    09 May 2023 09 May 2023 11 May 2023
    If you really want to get this grindy achievement but don’t have anyone to boost with, I would recommend you search for a game and leave server until you find a match that only has 5-10 players. What you want to do is spawn as a commander and spawn a jeep. If you do get a warfare match, Drive the jeep to the two quadrants away from the enemy headquarters making sure you don’t leave the Jeep out in the open in case an enemy sees it and destroys it. Now press the select button twice and look at the player list. From the enemy team look for the Xbox icon. Select Y to view their gamer card and select join game. This will let you switch teams by joining their game; it will take you back to the main menu but rejoin you in the opposite team. Walk to where you left the Jeep and spawn as anti tank or engineer class for the satchel charge and destroy the Jeep.

    After destroying the Jeep, If the commander class is available, redeploy and change to commander class and spawn a Jeep. Do the same thing and drive near the enemy headquarters. Bring up the player lists by pressing select twice and highlight the name of an enemy team and press Y to view their gamer card. Join their game and repeat this process. I was able to get 5-6 jeeps destroyed in 30 mins. After doing this repeatedly, I was able to get park the jeep very close to the enemy HQ so that when I switch teams i was able to spawn and destroy the Jeep in seconds. The other day, I got 25 jeeps destroy in 2 hours doing this method.

    Sometimes you might run into a game where the other team has no Xbox players so you can’t switch teams since you can’t view their gamer card to join session in progress. You might even be unlucky to have the Xbox players quit after driving the Jeep to the enemy hq so where you might not even be able to switch. Sometimes there aren’t enough people to start a squad in order to be able to pick anti tank class to destroy the enemy Jeep. What I did was spawn as tank class and drove the tank close to the Jeep and destroyed it using the tank cannon.

    What made this method easier was when I regularly play the game for fun, I notice my team’s commander spawned a Jeep. I steal it from our HQ and drive it to enemy hq and switch teams using the player list and viewing the enemy’s gamer cards from the player lists.

    Also, you can do the same for the offensive game type except you can’t drive to enemy HQ if it’s two quadrants away from the next objective. You can park the Jeep close and look at the map and remember which quadrant it was, such as “in the middle of G7, G6. Then switch teams if both sides have less than 50 players and drive a transport truck to that location and blow up the Jeep.

    What you don’t want to do is go for this achievement on a full game. Too many enemy players and your team mates getting mad at you for not contributing to their needs. Some squad leads get very vocal.

    Remagen is the worse map because of the narrow bridge that funnels you as you drive to the other side.

    Guide not helping? View 1 more guide for this achievement.

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    TechnicallyCalmHe's right and explains it well. If someone on the opposite team is an Xbox player, you can go through the menus, look at their profile, join their game (if it's available) and you'll switch sides.
    Posted by TechnicallyCalm on 25 Jul at 06:02
    NicholasKidmanif someone wants to boost with me ill do my best if you do - GT: NicholasKidman
    Posted by NicholasKidman on 14 Aug at 19:09
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  • TechnicallyCalmTechnicallyCalm
    10 Mar 2023 15 Apr 2023 15 Apr 2023
    Buckle up and strap in, because this is going to be quite the grind. Forget about even attempting to do this legitimately as only one Jeep can spawn in at a time, every 5 minutes. This needs to be done 50 times, which means that under optimal boosting conditions it's going to take you 4 hours and 10 minutes AT THE MINIMUM PER PERSON.

    So, let's get into the best, fastest and most optimal way to grind this out. This is what you're going to need:

    You'll need 2 people, one spawning the Jeep, the other destroying it. The person spawning the Jeep needs to be a Commander, of which there can only be one per side. The person destroying them will need to spawn in as a tank commander and get a tank, or spawn as a machine gunner.

    Find a time that works best for you and try to line it up with servers that are dead, switching regions in a good tactic. While you can't manually switch regions, joining someone else's game in another region will do the trick. So, it's probably best to have each person be from a different region, but it's not necessary.

    Once you're all set, both people start searching for games, Warfare is the best game mode as it'll let you go all the way to each other's HQ. Try to find a server that's dead, if possible, but don't pass up a game if the commander slot is open. If you end up in a full server, have the other person join your game. They'll need to switch sides though, but all they'll need to do is find a player on the opposite and join their game. This will switch you over to the other side.

    If you're in an empty server or can't find an open slot for a machine gunner, you'll need to be a tank commander and jump in a tank. If in a game of Warfare, the person destroying the Jeep will need to go to 1 of 3 of the Commanders HQs. Choose the HQ that will be furthest from the action or nearest sector. Communicate where people are on the map so you can avoid dying and quickly navigate to the HQ.

    The Commander should spawn a Jeep as soon as they're able to. It's cost Fuel to do so, make sure you keep enough in reserve. The Commander can spawn in a Jeep by pressing cn_back, this will bring up a map, with Commander abilities on the right. Scroll down to the Jeep, which will tell you it's cost and time left until you can spawn one in. Once it's ready, make sure you spawn it at the HQ you'll be meeting up at.

    If you can't spawn it in but have enough Fuel, it's because there're too many vehicles there, move it and you're good.

    You're all set at that point, just make sure the other person hides or watches out for other players trying to kill the person destroying the Jeep. Do this for the entire match and both of you try to snag Commander. Decide from there on who goes next.

    If you're in a game of Offensive, it's going to require a lot more work. You're not going to be able to each other's HQ. The team on offensive can go further than the defenders, who can't cross into enemy territory. If you do a kill timer will activate.

    It's still mostly the same setup as choosing a tanker or machine gunner. You'll just both need to meet up on the map. Meet up in places that will see the less traffic and move accordingly as sectors are taken.

    That's about it. The only thing you'll want to take into consideration is that if you're in an active game, the Commander should try to help his team or give them what they request, or else they start teamkilling the Commander. Keep enough Fuel in reserve so you can spawn the Jeep whenever the timer is up.

    While you're doing that you may as well try and go for a couple other achievements, some of which you should get naturally while boosting:
    Hell Let LooseFast Track DeliveryThe Fast Track Delivery achievement in Hell Let Loose worth 438 pointsSpawned a total of 100 times onto the battlefield through the Half Track

    Spawn a half track, move it to the Jeep spawn. Die as much as possible and spawn in. Hold off when the Jeep is going to spawn soon as it can take up to 60 seconds to respawn.
    Hell Let LooseFilthy CamperThe Filthy Camper achievement in Hell Let Loose worth 54 pointsKill 10 players without dying

    Should happen if the map goes on long enough, and can be hastened by the Commander being killed much as possible in between Jeep spawns.
    Hell Let LooseDrop it Like Its Hot!The Drop it Like Its Hot! achievement in Hell Let Loose worth 308 pointsDrop 50 ammo boxes with a Jeep

    Hell Let LooseI Got Your Ammo!The I Got Your Ammo! achievement in Hell Let Loose worth 116 pointsDrop 100 Ammo boxes

    You can try to drop ammo with the Jeep with RB, but prioritize Jeep kills
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    NicholasKidmanif someone wants to boost with me ill do my best if you do - GT: NicholasKidman
    Posted by NicholasKidman on 14 Aug at 19:10
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